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Support the collective impact movement that aims to bring equitable access to the arts through programs, resources, professional development to more than 14,000 public school children every year.
Our Core Values
We believe in the arts as a powerful tool for transformative change
We believe in community collaboration and transformative community impact
We believe in integrity and providing equity at all costs
We believe in building an engaged learning community
The Need
Equity in and access to a strong arts education remains an issue for too many students. Yet the research is clear that arts education and learning through the arts is vital to increased participation and graduation rates, social and emotional development and creating innovative, culturally informed, global thinkers who are active citizens that value the arts in life and community.
Using the John F. Kennedy Center’s Any Given Child program, pARTners will work as a collective impact backbone organization with the primary objective to identify, develop, program, align, communicate, and assess arts resources to achieve our vision and ensure access and equity to expanded arts education and arts integration for all students in grades K-8 in the Bethlehem Area School District, and eventually the Lehigh Valley.
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For our pARTners
Your access point to Accredited Teaching Artists, Arts organizations, Classroom and Artist Resources, Professional Development.

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